Thursday, March 3, 2011

Jay Patel

I saw examples of photographer Jay Patel's work on another blog& instantly loved it. His landscapes make great use of color and light to make his images more dramatic and stand out. Here is just a sample of his work.

Great use of light in the images above & below. really highlights the scene.

Love the clouds in this- both in the sky& water reflection. beautiful coloring.

I love the long exposure on this one to make the water look foggy- totally different mood and feeling to the image because of this but it's still beautiful. It's soft and relaxing.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Tourist composites

I found this on Yahoo recently and thought it was a pretty interesting concept.
Artist Corinne Vionnet "carefully layers 200-300 photos on top of one another until she gets her desired result." It's kind of interesting to see that so many people take almost identical pictures of the same landmarks which have become popular tourist spots. They seem almost painterly from the composites.