Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Craft 2, second post: Michael Muller

I once again found this artist on Google. I think it's a great tool, a very fast way of finding new things. I was just looking for portrait photographers and I found Michael Muller who works with a lot of Hollywood stars, doing movie portraits and portraits of them in more "normal" looks. He works with movie stars, as well as musicians, athletes doing portraits and also advertising work. He also does some documentary work and other images that are somewhat like landscapes or nature images. I find his website very easy to navigate but the simplicity is nice, it puts the focus on the images. I find his work to have a very new feeling. I haven't seen many portraits like this before, they're all very "in-your-face" which I think is great. Your typical portrait is just a person sitting there and that can get boring so I like that he takes a new approach to his work and really gets involved with the person to capture a fierce image. It's nice that all the people aren't just staring straight ahead at the camera, they are more interacted with props or the set up around them. He uses a variety of colors and lighting setups to achieve different feelings which help the overall imagery.

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